5 Useful Tips When Travelling To Corfu, Greece

At the end of June 2019, I went on a week-long trip to Corfu with my little sister. It was our first trip together, so we were both very excited. The whole experience was kind of surreal, as we couldn’t grasp that we were wandering around on a Greek island, just the two of us! It seemed like our parents were waiting for us around every other corner. It was fun (& sweaty) though! However, we soon discovered Corfu didn’t come without challenges, which is why I’ve decided to make a list of 5 useful tips for those of you who might want to travel there.

Read next: The Best Budget-Friendly Hotels In Corfu, Greece!

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~ Corfu Tips: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Go ~


Ah, the buses. Quite the hassle. It’s safe to say getting to and from places was our main issue on this – otherwise very lovely – island. First of all, the minute you leave the capital, there simply aren’t that many options. We were set on starting the day early, until we realised buses don’t drive before 10am (at least not to the destinations we had in mind). Same goes for the evening, you’d be lucky to catch one after 6pm.

Adding to this, the roads are not in great shape, a trip can easily last an hour or more, the bus drivers generally aren’t the friendliest people in the world (and they give out false information!), sometimes buses arrive too early or not at all… I could go on. So, if your hotel or Airbnb is not in the city centre, I’d suggest renting a scooter or a car.



If you do wish to get around by public transport, which is, of course, the cheapest and most environmentally friendly option, staying in Corfu would be your best option. The buses start driving a lot earlier and you can just go to the bus station, where it’s easy to buy tickets and get on the right bus. Besides, the city is actually pretty nice, especially the old town!

Need suggestions on where to stay? Check out my post about these dreamy yet budget-friendly hotels in Corfu!


Another thing to keep in mind when travelling to Corfu is that the landscape is hilly. On google maps a 15 minute walk may seem like nothing… that is until you’re climbing hills in the blazing heat. The roads go up and down and everything is much further away than it seems.

Ocean view of Corfu


In Corfu, almost everything is catered to tourists. However, there are still some real gems to be found if you know where to look. It’s safe to say, though, that anything worth seeing is hard to reach (unless you’re rich: go by boat!), but if you put in the effort, you’ll most definitely be rewarded.

Want to know where to find the best, non-touristy places in Corfu? Check out this post!


I cannot stress this enough: bring (or buy) swimming shoes. We didn’t and we refused to buy any (cheapos) and our feet SUFFERED. There are hardly any sandy beaches in Corfu and the stones are hot (seriously, it’s like walking on lava). Plus, you look like a fool trying not to step on a sea urchin whilst also trying not to fall. It’s just a whole lot of pain until you’re finally able to swim (and then there’s the way back, yay!). Out of all of my Corfu tips, this may be the most crucial one.

If we had known these things beforehand, we would definitely have avoided some heated (figuratively AND literally) moments. One last bonus tip: only take a taxi if your life depends on it, because they charge you like crazy.

Feel free to share your experience in the comments if you’ve ever been to Corfu or any other tips you may have πŸ™‚

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